5 June 2011

The Woodland Fairy

Woodland Fairy
That is the Woodland Fairy who came visiting me these days. She left me with that drawing and a poem / song:

Hear the drums, hear the drums, hear the drums of midnight.
I will dance, I will dance, I will dance till midsummer's night.

My wings unfold, I stretch my limbs,
I will dance, till the summer begins.

My leaves they bow,
My leaves they shake,
until the blossoms are all awake.

I will dance, I will dance, I will dance till morning comes.

My wings unfold, I stretch my limbs,
I will dance, till the summer begins.

Bees and hoppers are all my friends,
till death will part us and the summer ends.

Hear the drums, hear the drums, hear the drums of midnight.
I will dance, I will dance, I will dance till midsummer's night.
 It was quite surprising for me that a fairy did come by ... as I am normally that much connected with the fairy world ... hm - perhaps it was about time then.

I like how the drawing did turn out at the end and I like how she does look out of the picture. 

Right after I've finished that drawing there came another picture into my mind and now I am sitting on a water fairy since a few days ... close to be finished with it.

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